Frequently Asked Questions
Published by The Lakes Homeowners Association Architectural Control Committee
We have published this guide in order to answer some of the questions that our residents might have. If you don’t find your answers here contact the Homeowners Association President or any member of our Board Of Directors. Their names and numbers are listed on our internet site, and in the issues of The Lakes Newsletter.
(Please note that this FAQ is meant as a convenient and quick reference guide for homeowners at The Lakes. The answers herein our based on our covenants. This is not a legal document. The final legal reference are The Lakes Covenants and our Homeowners Association By-Laws as filed with Lafayette County, State of Mississippi.)
Lakes (17)
No. Spring Lake and Rock Lake are open to all of the residents. The rest are accessible only to property owners that surround those particular lakes.
Boating, yes. Jet skiing, no. The lakes are restricted to small boats, 16 foot maximum length, with electric trolling motors.
Yes. Maximum size is 10 foot wide and 16 foot long. and it must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee prior to construction.
No. Boats must be removed from the lake or tied up to a dock after use. They may be dragged up on your property, or tied up to your dock. They may not be left on other’s private property or the common areas.
Old Lake, Crooked Lake and Horseshoe lake are surrounded by private property and are accessible, and usable, only by the property owners that own the property around each lake. Rock Lake and Spring Lake each have land that is not a part of our subdivision that abuts them. Under Mississippi law if you have legal property access to a lake you may use the entire lake. So, our residents may use the entirety of Rock and Spring lakes, as may the owners of the property outside of our subdivision that have land that abuts those lakes.
While swimming is not prohibited in the Covenants, it is highly discouraged. No lifeguards are on duty. Anyone that swims in one of the lakes does so at their own risk.
Counting large and small ones, there are five. Spring Lake is the largest, followed by Rock Lake, Horseshoe Lake, Crooked Lake and Old Lake.
Yes. It must extend onto or over the water and be approved by the Architectural Control Committee prior to construction.
Absolutely. You can launch from your property, or use one of the designated boat launch sites on the Common Areas.
All property owners at The Lakes subdivision that are current in their Homeowners Association Fees. If you are not a signature of The Lakes covenants, or are not current in your Association fees, you may not use the lakes in any manner.
Except for the common areas, or your own property, you may not go ashore. The land is private property and you may not trespass.
Your guests may fish from your property, or the common areas on Rock Lake and Spring Lake, or use a boat. However, you must accompany them if they are not on your property.
Use the designated launch areas. Parking is limited in the launch areas, and it may be necessary that you park your vehicle and trailer on the adjoining road. If you do, please pull over on the shoulder of the road so that you don’t block traffic flow.
The “Common Areas” are designated for the use and enjoyment of all residents of The Lakes whose annual assessments are current. The two prime common areas serve Rock Lake and Spring Lake. Boats may be launched from both locations.
The pavilion located on the east end of Rock Lake is for the use of our residents.