Frequently Asked Questions

Published by The Lakes Homeowners Association Architectural Control Committee

We have published this guide in order to answer some of the questions that our residents might have. If you don’t find your answers here contact the Homeowners Association President or any member of our Board Of Directors. Their names and numbers are listed on our internet site, and in the issues of The Lakes Newsletter.

(Please note that this FAQ is meant as a convenient and quick reference guide for homeowners at The Lakes. The answers herein our based on our covenants. This is not a legal document. The final legal reference are The Lakes Covenants and our Homeowners Association By-Laws as filed with Lafayette County, State of Mississippi.)

Storage (7)

They may not be metallic. You may erect any shed that is 100 square feet or less without permission from the Architectural Control Committee. If you want to build a storage building/shed greater than 100 square feet you must submit your plans to the Architectural Committee for approval prior to starting construction. Also, buildings larger than 100 square feet must match the architectural style of the home and be a minimum of 60% brick, stone or masonry that matches your home.
Category: Storage

Yes, as long as “.. it is out of site of people using the public streets…” (The Lakes covenants, section h)

Category: Storage

No. Our covenants state that “No unused, or non-currently licensed vehicles, wrecked vehicles or parts of vehicles are to be stored on the premises.”

Category: Storage

No. Our covenants state that “… no machinery other than machinery common to garden use or lawn keeping or for the operation and maintenance of a residence shall be stored on the premises.” Commercial-use equipment may not be stored on your property.

Category: Storage


Category: Storage

As long as it is “out of sight” of people using the streets.

Category: Storage

They are not allowed to be on your property longer than two weeks.

Category: Storage